Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our Nature or Our Decision?

I recently saw the movie “Courageous” (for the third time).  Many of you have seen it, and like myself, have been challenged to be a better father and husband.  In the movie, there is one particular statement made by the main character Adam.  When his closest friend and fellow officer Shane says to him “Don’t be so hard on yourself Adam, you’ve been a good enough father”, Adam’s reply is “That’s just it, I don’t want to just be a good enough father."  Adam searches the scriptures for all expectations that God has for fathers and husbands.  As a result of his decision, he leads others to rise to the challenge of what is called “The Resolution”. 
Last year I was introduced to Stan Cottrell, Ultra Distance Runner, Former Guinness Book Record Holder and founder of Friendship Sports Association.  One of his favorite quotes is “if better is possible, then good is not enough.”  As simple as this might sound, does it not take effort on our part to recognize and decide to go after what is better?
As I was reading the Book of Leviticus today, several leading passages caught my attention immediately.  God is instructing Moses concerning the types of offerings that are to be brought by the people as burnt offerings.  Over and over again, whether it is a burnt offering from the herd or from the flock, the Bible says “he is to offer a male without defect”.  Even a grain offering is “to be of fine flour”.  Later in these passages it says when the priest burns these things on the wood that is on the fire of the altar, “It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the Lord.”
Offering our best to the Lord, whether performing a seemingly trivial task or attempting to change history, requires a decision on our part.  It’s the decision to not settle for what comes easy or cheap.  It’s the decision to not settle for what everyone around us is willing to settle for.  It’s the decision to not allow the habits of our parents and grandparents to dictate our level of commitment.
When we are on a Kingdom Mission….good enough just won’t do.